Логотип качество
Сегодня 15 марта, суббота
Санкт-Петербург −4°C

A new look at the Coriolis Effect

Abstract: The Coriolis Effect, so fundamental in the atmospheric and oceanographic sciences, nevertheless has got a poor pedagogical treatment in most textbooks used worldwide, at best incomplete, at worst erroneously but mostly misleading.

The four seminars will try to give a new look at the Coriolis Effect, starting with 1) how Coriolis looked at it in 1835, then 2) how his view, in a mathematically consistent way can bring new light on the terrestrial Coriolis Effect.

The second part, on Thursday, will deal with how 3) the consequences of the Coriolis Effect, the "inertia circles", can be applied to give some intuitive "feel" for the motions in fluids,
the atmosphere and the oceans. Finally, I will 4) discuss how the Coriolis Effect has been presented in some Soviet textbooks on dynamic meteorology.

Новость от 28 марта 2016
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